Internet of Things (IoT): Security and Data Management


  • Rina Aisyah Putri Author


IoT, Internet of Things, data management, privacy, vulnerabilities, Cybersecurity, network resilience, IoT devices


The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way devices interact and communicate, offering unprecedented convenience and efficiency across various domains. However, this interconnectedness also introduces significant security and data management challenges. This article explores the critical aspects of IoT security and data management, addressing vulnerabilities, privacy concerns, and strategies for secure deployment. It examines current practices, emerging trends, and future directions to enhance the resilience and reliability of IoT systems amidst evolving threats and expanding interconnected networks.


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How to Cite

Rina Aisyah Putri. (2024). Internet of Things (IoT): Security and Data Management. International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (IJITEE), 13(4), 1-13.